


A very unique and enjoyable game -- thanks to all involved!
As I most often play solo, I really wanted to come up with a simple solitaire version which would maintain the flow and integrity of the game reasonably well. After several sputtering attempts, here's the one that seems to work best.

You're playing to attain the highest number of VPs by game's end, and thus essentially competing against your own highest score. Use the 2-player Card Display, i.e., with 3 columns (6 card slots). There's an auto-player which, on its turn, does the following:

1) draws a card and discards it;
2) draws a second card which then replaces a randomly selected
card already on the display (just use a D6) -- if there are
none, just place it as usual;
3) draws a third card which is placed on the display as usual.

Lastly, whenever you buy a borough, the auto-player takes possession of an adjacent borough of your choice (or, if there are no available adjacent ones, choose from the nearest ones).

That's pretty much it. Finished the first game with 95 VPs, and had a blast -- looking to break 100 on the next try. Any feedback and additional suggestions/"tweaks" would be most welcome...!

1) カードを1枚引き、それを捨てます。
2) 2枚目のカードを引いて、ディスプレイ上のランダムなカードと入れ替える。
3) 3枚目のカードを引き、通常通りディスプレイに配置する。


これは、初版の2人用ベースのもので、London愛好家から高評価を以て、迎えられました。但し、あくまでも2人用ベースであったため、4人ベースで行ってみたいと、同じ日にLarry Levyから早くも改良案が提示されました。いやはや、すごいスピードですね。

Played my first game and got 144 VP. Got both Omnibuses and 4 out of the 5 Undergrounds, plus I Whitehalled one of my Undergrounds to let me build subways in all of my boroughs. That was a little lucky, but not too much (I figure about 30 of the 110 cards will be discarded from the stock by the auto-player, so that works out to you losing 2 of the 7 key cards on average). I got down to zero Poverty before I hit the midpoint, so that was never a problem. Neither was money: I only had to take one loan (to buy the City borough on the first turn of the game) and always had enough cash to buy whatever cards I wanted. I wound up with 59 pounds after paying off my loan. That, of course, was mostly due to getting both Omnibuses and not having them come out late.

It was a fun exercise, but I suspect more experienced London players will want something a bit more challenging. I was wondering how it would play if you simulated a 4-player game instead of a 2-player one. That way, you'd only be able to buy a maximum of 5 boroughs (so you might have to actually start worrying about poverty) and more cards would go out of the game (making it more likely that key cards will be discarded). I figure each "opponent" would discard one card and add one card to the display. I can do away with replacing the cards; with 3 opponents, it'll slow the game down and you usually make sure you grab any card from the display you're really interested in. So the revised version would work like this:

1. You take your turn
2. Discard the top 3 cards from the deck
3. Add the next 3 cards to the display
4. Take your next turn and repeat
5. You're limited to buying only 5 boroughs. You can buy whichever ones you wish. Don't bother placing opposing markers, just limit yourself to 5 borough purchases.
6. Use the full 10 card display

I'll see if I can try this out during the next couple of days. I'll let you all know if I think it's an improvement.



1. あなたは自分の手番を行う
2. デッキの上から3枚のカードを捨てる
3. 次の3枚のカードをディスプレイに追加する
4. 次の手番を迎え、繰り返す
5. 購入できる自治区は5つだけに限られています。好きなものを買うことができます。わざわざ対戦相手のマーカーを置かなくても、5自治区の購入に限定されます。
6. 6.10枚のカードディスプレイをフルに使う


これは、衝撃的な改良案でした。またたく間に様々なレスが付き、多くのプレイヤーによって検証が行われ、これは第2版でも、問題なく通用するという結果が報告されました。なので、このルールをもとにソロプレイをしてみようかと思ったのですが、その後、様々なバリアントが発表されました。その中から、以下の2つを取り入れることにしました。 face-up duplicates

I've recently gotten back into playing this game, and have happily settled into playing Larry Levy's solitaire variant -- and I have been quite thoroughly enjoying it. It's short (nice that it can be played 2-3 times in an evening), elegant, and quite challenging indeed (my highest score so far was 70, although this was somewhat of an "outlier" as my usual scores tend to fall in the 45-55 range). I have also been incorporating 2 simple "tweaks" which I encountered in other threads involving 2P variants, which are proving to be worthwhile:

1) no face-up duplicates in your Building Display;
2) take a poverty cube for each card you must discard to the Card Display at the end of your turn in order to get down to the maximum of 9.

This first tweak precludes the use of any "doubled combos," while the second forces increased attention to efficient hand management skills... Thanks, Mr. Levy, for this delightful variant...!

最近このゲームを再開して、Larry Levyのソリティアの亜種を楽しくプレイしていますが、かなり楽しんでいます。短くて(一晩に2〜3回プレイできるのがいい)、エレガントで、非常にチャレンジングなゲームです(これまでの最高得点は70点でしたが、これは私の通常の得点が45〜55点の範囲に収まることが多いため、やや「異常値」でした)。 また、2Pシリーズの他のスレッドで見つけた2つの簡単な「調整」を取り入れていますが、これは価値のあることだと思います。



個人ディスプレイに表向きでカードを配置する場合、同じタイトルのカードを複数使用できないというもの。このルールが結構評判良いようなので、採用。 to handle the other boroughs
I tried the solo rules from the first edition, with the "no face up duplicates in your building display" rule but without the extra discards for poverty. It works well. My only doubt is about how to handle the other boroughs when you buy one. I see three different ways, two of which I've tried:

1. Remove 1 of the others: gives you much more choice and planning ability than in a multiplayer game. This is clear enough to me that I didn't try it.
2. Remove both of the others: I thought this was the way to emulate a real game, but it gives you more powerful choices since you always get best 1/3
3. Keep both the others (i.e. as normal): I was worried this would give you too much ability to plan, and to take both the City and Westminster at leisure. This is true but not as bad as I thought: you'll want to play them quickly, and then play over them quickly, and you have limited ability to get rid of draws you don't like.

So ultimately I went with option 3 because it involves no change to the standard rules and it's anyway not worse than the others.

初版のソロルールを試してみました。"あなたの建物のディスプレイに表向きの重複がない "ルールですが、貧困のための追加ディスカードはありません。うまく機能しています。 唯一の疑問は、1つの自治区を購入したときの他の自治区の扱い方についてです。3つの異なる方法がありますが、そのうち2つは私が試しました。

1. 他の自治区のうち1つを取り除く:マルチプレイヤーゲームよりもはるかに多くの選択肢と計画性が得られます。これは十分に明確なので、私は試していません。
2. 他の人の両方を削除する。これは実際のゲームをエミュレートする方法だと思いましたが、常にベスト1/3を得ることができるので、より強力な選択肢が得られます
3. 他の両方を残す(つまり通常通り)。この方法では、計画を立てる能力が高くなりすぎて、CityとWestminsterの両方を自由に取ることができるのではないかと心配していました。これは事実ですが、私が考えていたほど悪いものではありません。 あなたはこれらをすぐにプレイし、すぐにやり直したいと思うでしょうし、気に入らないドローを取り除く能力も限られています。


上記記事は、ロンドン第2版より、2018/10/21 sethzenz氏の内容



優先 ルール
1 N/Sと水陸が両方とも同じ
2 N/Sが同じ
3 水陸が同じ
4 購入価格が大きい
5 VPが高い
6 カードドローが多い
7 貧困トークンの減少数が多い
8 配置カードが下もしくは右に近い


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